Curium - 96Cm: crystal structures
- Space group: P63/mmc
- Space group number: 194
- Structure: hcp (hexagonal close-packed)
- Cell parameters:
- a: 349.6 pm
- b: 349.6 pm
- c: 1133.1 pm
- α: 90.000°
- β: 90.000°
- γ: 120.000°
You may view the structure of curium:
- interactively (best, but the page will take longer to load) or
- non-interactively

Curium crystal structure image displayed using JSMol. Try rotating the picture. The JSMol logo at the bottom right of the image is a popup menu allowing furher tinteraction with the structure
B. B. Cunningham, and J. C. Wallmann, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 1964, 26, 271.